[GLOBAL] Loopism Cult - The Bat Cup TH11
Compete for the $10 Prize Pool in The Bat Cup hosted by Loopism Cult!
View BracketRegion
Check-In Period
No Check-In Required
Best of 1 (BO1)
This tournament is hosted by the Loopism Cult
All players must join the Loopism Cult Discord Server
- All matches are Best of 1 (BO1), single elimination. This means that the player who wins the match will move onto the next round.
- Townhall 11
- Super Troops: Banned
- Dragons: Max 8
- Balloons: Max 15
- Tanks (Golem, Lava Hound, Ice Golem, P.E.K.K.A): Max 2
- Hog Riders: Max 20
- Healers: Max 4
- Wizards: Max 12
- Witches: Max 2
- Electro Dragons: Max 2
- Spells: All allowed except Clone spells
- Clan Castle: Only TH11 troops for offense; all troops allowed for defense
- Default equipment: Allowed
- Siege machine: Banned
- No super troops in CC
- Zap limit: 3
- Spell limit: 2.
How to compete on EGL
Please review our How-to video on how to register for tournaments:
Only players that checked-in correctly will appear in the bracket.
Please note that players that register while check-in is active will be checked-in automatically.
To see the comment section, go to your Dashboard and then click 'View Details' on your desired match. At the bottom of the page you will find the comment section that can also be visited by tournament administrators. Remember that to see new comments, you will need to refresh the page.
You will be given the option to provide further details before the match is placed into dispute. Please provide as much information as possible and include any evidence if you have any.
Upon completion of the tournament cash prize winners will be contacted via email to arrange payment.
You can find your matches and results via your Dashboard, please submit a ticket via your match page if you require assistance.
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