[EU] SnD Duo Cup - Best Of 1

Compete for the 100€ prize pool!

View Bracket

Game & Platform

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Cross Platform

Game Account Required

Activision ID

Date & Time

Thursday, December 15th 2022

18:00 GMT


Single Elimination






Check-In Period

30 minutes before start


PC Players

Must Livestream


Input Type

Controller Only


  • This tournament is Best Of 1 throughout.
  • This tournament is cross-platform but controller must be used
  • PC Players must livestream their matches, VOD's must be enabled.
  • Captains are responsible for checking in.
  • CDL mode must be used, any additional restrictions can be viewed on the rules page.

Map Rotation

The map rotations for each round of the tournament are as follows:

Round of 64 - Best of 1

1 Mercado Las Almas - CDL SND

Round of 32 - Best of 1

1 Embassy - CDL SND

Round of 16 - Best of 1

1 Al Bagra Fortress - CDL SND

Round of 8 - Best of 1

1 El Asilo - CDL SND

Semi Finals - Best of 1

1 Breenbergh Hotel - CDL SND

Finals - Best of 1

1 Embassy - CDL SND

How to compete on EGL

Once logged in, you can create a team by clicking on your User Avatar and then selecting "Create Team" from the drop down menu.
You can invite members to your team by clicking on your avatar in the top right, selecting which team you wish to manage and then clicking on the 'Members' tab. The search form will autocomplete on the players Username.
You can chech-in by clicking the yellow 'check-in' button on the tournament overview page, this is mandatory and must be done before the designated tournament start time.
You can see all match fixtures for your team on your Dashboard.
You can report the result of your team's match by clicking on the match fixture shown on the 'Fixtures and Results' page. Please note that only team Captains and Co-Captains are able to report the result of a match.
If your opponent has reported the incorrect score for your match, please select the 'Dispute' button found under the match fixture page.

You will be given the option to provide further details before the match is placed into dispute. Please provide as much information as possible and include any evidence if you have any.
If a tournament has prizing it will be listed on the tournament overview page, as well as on the tournament card.
Upon completion of the tournament cash prize winners will be contacted via email to arrange payment.
Participants 8-15 16-31 32+
30€ 60€ 70€
- - 30€

You can find your matches and results via your Dashboard, please submit a ticket via your match page if you require assistance.

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