[NA] Naraka Monthly Solos Scrim
Compete in the official Naraka Bladepoint Monthly Solos Scrim!
View StandingsGeneral Tournament
By signing up to this tournament all participants agree that they have read and accept the Terms of Service (ToS) and the Privacy Policy.
The official Naraka Bladepoint World Championship rules can be found here.
Player Eligibility
This tournament is open to players of any age and any user that competes on the North American servers.
The roster size for this tournament is limited to 1. The winning player can only receive prizing for one (1) player.
Minimum & Maximum Players
This tournament is for Naraka: Bladepoint Solos. Users will only be allowed to compete alone.
Player IDs
For this tournament, players must register their Naraka Username to their EGL Game & Social Accounts section on their EGL profile. All Player IDs on a team’s roster must be 100% valid and accurate. Spelling, spaces and characters must be exact, but do not need to be case sensitive. To find your Naraka Username go into the game and select Options > Account > Naraka Account.
Your Naraka Username is needed to determine your ranking and your seeding in the tournament. If your username is found to be incorrect or you have input an email address instead of your Naraka Username then you will be disqualified.
Players are not permitted to use a substitute at any point, or to let anyone else play for them. If you are unable to play during the tournament, please refrain from signing up. If you are unable to complete the tournament once starting, you will be required to forfeit.
Player Eligibility
Only players listed on the Match Fixture page are eligible to play in tournament matches. If a player is ineligible to play in a match they will forfeit the match. Proof must be shown to support any claims of an ineligible player playing in a match.
Match Settings
All matches are to be played using the following settings:
Game Rules
Game Mode | Immortal War |
Players | 16 |
Referees | 20 |
Party | 1 |
Seats | Host Seating |
Stash Statue | Off |
Weapons Banned | None |
Weapons Banned | None |
Cosmetics only visible to allies and spectators | On |
Game Session Setup
Please join the Discord Server: Naraka Scrims
30 minutes prior to the start of the day, the lobby name and password will be distributed both in the Match Fixture page (please click the double swords icon on the top right of the site, when logged in) and in the above server.
Rules In-Game
Players are to follow the rules stated below - if to be found, that any participant is not following the rules, your match score for that round, will be void and any other punishment will be stated:
- The use of VPN and/or Hacks is strictly forbidden - you will be banned from EGL if found to be using a VPN.
- The use of in game glitches.
- Emoticons and character movements other than pranayama, worshipping and greeting are not allowed. Any violations can result in a forfeit of the specific game score or result in disqualification.
- No offensive or inapppropriate usernames.
- No out of the region players
- No offensive language in lobby
- No cheating/third party extensions
- No emotes in game
- No teaming
Any claims of the above happening must be submitted in video form and show all players usernames involved in the incident. Proof must be submitted in the team channel. We will not accept screenshots in this case.
Server Issues
In the event of server issues arising, tournaments may be postponed or cancelled depending on the severity of the issue.
If the tournament is cancelled it will be announced on the EGL_NA twitter page and Naraka Scrims NA server. The tournament title will also be adjusted to reflect this outcome.
Players will forfeit a round for the following reasons:
- Using any form of glitch or voids within the game.
- Not being present on time for the match.
Match Delay
There will be no match delaying allowed for the scrims and any such will be a forfeit.
Players may be subject to disqualification for extremely high ping, signified by a red bar. The decision for disqualification will be subject to Admin consideration.
As this is a Custom Lobby game, an admin will be hosting the games. This will be from an NA server. Any issues with the host must be brought up to the admins BEFORE the match starts.
Match Result
All players are responsible for saving the result of a match. This can be done by taking a screenshot. While all EGL admins will have access to the results of the match following its conclusion, we ask that all participants manually save the results so as to avoid any discrepencies.
In the event of a dispute, the player that has disputed will be asked to provide proof of their accusation. Please see the Evidence Policy section below to find out what evidence is required.
If the disputing player is unable to provide valid evidence for the reason that they disputed, then the player will be removed from the tournament and will also receive a suspension due to disputing without valid reason/proof.
No Shows
There will be no leniency for no shows. Players must be on the EGL NA Discord 30 minutes prior to the match, and in the lobby before the match begins. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit.
We have a zero tolerance policy for cheating. Players caught cheating, glitching or abusing in-game mechanics in any way will be permanently banned from the EGL site and all future competitions.
Evidence Policy
We strongly recommend that you obtain photo or video evidence showing the outcome of every match.
Evidence Requirements
If asked to provide evidence for the outcome of a match, all video and photographic evidence must clearly show the match score, time, players in the lobby and, if necessary, evidence of the rule violation of the opposing player.
Evidence that does not meet the above criteria will not be considered.
Uploading Evidence
All video evidence should be uploaded to an external website such as YouTube or posted in the screenshots channel on the Discord. Photographic evidence should be uploaded to the screenshots channel as well.
Evidence that has been faked or tampered with in any way will not be accepted as valid. Anyone found to be providing fake proof will be permanently banned from competing on the website.
If you have a problem with your match, please click on the 'Contact Support' button found on the Match Fixture page. You can view and respond to all of your support tickets here.
Abusive Behaviour
Abusive behaviour towards staff members that are called into a match dispute will not be tolerated. The individual user violating this rule will be subject to a site-wide ban.