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Semana #3 Junio MGL

Musimundo Gaming League

View Bracket

Game & Platform



Game Account Required

Riot ID Username

Date & Time

Friday, June 18th 2021

18:00 GMT


Single Elimination


This competition is not affiliated with or sponsored by Riot Games inc. or VALORANT Esports.


  Final Monthly Winners    50,000  
  Monthly Final Runner-up    25,000  

  Enrollment tutorials

If you need help signing up, check out this YouTube tutorial. They can also use this PDF .

  Player IDs

For this tournament, players must register their Riot ID username in their Games and Social Media section of their EGL profile. All player IDs on a team roster must be 100% valid and accurate. Spelling, spaces, and characters must be exact, but they are not case-sensitive.

If your username is determined to be incorrect or you have entered an email address instead of your Riot ID then you will be disqualified as this is strictly NOT allowed.

  How to compete

Both teams must communicate their selections / Map vets within the match comments under Matches (click "View details" for your current match). We will not accept any other form of evidence of map selections / bans if you choose to do so outside of our website.

  The Top Seed Team will choose to act as Team A or Team B during the Map vetoing process.

   The creation of the game will be in charge of the captain Of team A, he will be in charge of inviting the opposing captain.

       All games will be played on the LAS server.

  The process of Banning Maps is as follows:

  Bind | Haven | Split | Ascent | Ice box

Best of 1 (BO1)

  - Team A Banea First map

  - Team B Ban Second Map 

  - Team A Ban Third Map 

      - Team B Ban Fourth Map 

  - The remaining map becomes the map to Play

  - Team A chooses which Side they wish to play on (Attackers / Defenders)

Best of 3 (BO3)

   - Team A Banea First map

   - Team B Banea Second map

   - Team A chooses one of the three remaining maps and Team B chooses side of that map

   - Team B chooses between the remaining 2 maps and team A chooses side

       - The team with the most rounds in favor chooses the side of the third map


       The Configuration for all games is as follows:

       Allow cheats: No |
       Tournament mode: Yes |
       Extra time: Yes |
       Play all rounds No | 



The matches will be direct elimination, to the best of one (BO1) until the Semifinals

The Final will be a definition to the best of three (BO3) PRIOR CONTACT WITH THE ADMINISTRATION .


The matches will be broadcast exclusively on the following channel:

  Eligible Countries

This tournament is open to players of any age and any user residing within SOUTH Latin America

The following countries are allowed to participate in this tournament



If you have a problem with your partner, click on the 'Contact support' button found in Matches You can also contact us on the EGL-LATAM channel for general questions and discussion.