[EU] EGL x EuropaHalo Finals - Week 4

Please see the "Overview - Prizes" section for the prize summary.

View Bracket

Game & Platform

Halo 5

Xbox One

Game Account Required

Xbox Live

Date & Time

Sunday, May 2nd 2021

13:45 GMT


Double Elimination


The administration team reserve the right to overrule any pre-stated tournament rules at any given point if deemed necessary.

General Tournament

By signing up to this tournament all participants agree that they have read and accept the Terms of Service (ToS) and the Privacy Policy.

Player Eligibility

This tournament is open to players of any age and any user that resides within either the UK or Europe.


The roster size for this tournament is limited to 2. The winning team can only receive prizing for two (2) players.

Players not listed on the Match Fixture page will not receive prizing under any circumstance.

Please see the "Overview - Prizes" section for a full break down on the prize summary.

Tournament Schedule

The tournament round start times are as follows:


Tournament Start Time 14:00 BST 

All other rounds are to start within 15 minutes of receiving the fixtures for that round. Check tournament overview for start time.

Teams will be required to check in for this tournament at the EuropaHalo Discord.


Minimum & Maximum Players

When registering for a tournament, team captains must select the minimum number of players required to compete in that tournament, indicated on the tournament sign up module. Team captains will not be able to select more than the maximum number of players indicated on the tournament sign up module.

Player IDs

For this tournament, players must register their XBOX LIVE to their EGL Game & Social Accounts section on their EGL profile. All Player IDs on a team’s roster must be 100% valid and accurate, if applicable i.e. UsErNaMe.

If your username is found to be incorrect or you have input an email address instead of your XBOX LIVE then your team will be disqualified as this is strictly NOT allowed, as soon as this is reported to us with valid proof, it will be an immediate disqualification and your team, regardless of maps played will be disqualified from the tournament as you need to make sure this is correct before signing up for the tournament.


Teams are not permitted to use a substitute at any point in a match. A substitute is defined as someone who is not listed on the Match Fixture page.

Roster Lock

Player IDs are stored when you sign up for a tournament, meaning that any changes made to a player's ID after they register for a tournament will not be automatically updated on the roster. To avoid this, change your username before registering for a tournament or if you have already registered, leave the tournament, change your Player ID so that it is up to date and correct and then re-join the tournament.

Player Eligibility

Only players listed on the Match Fixture page are eligible to play in tournament matches. It is both team's responsibility to verify the eligibility of all players playing in the match. If a team uses an ineligible player in a match they will forfeit the match the ineligible player participated in. Proof must be shown to support any claims of an ineligible player playing in a match.

If the opposing team has an ineligible player present, you must tell the opposing team to replace that player with an eligible player. You must have given the team the required fifteen (15) minutes from match start time to substitute their ineligible player(s). If the team does not substitute their ineligible player, please report the scores in your team's favour and provide proof of the ineligible player in the game lobby.

Match Settings

Best of 3

All matches are to be played as a Best of 3. Higher Seeded team will be Red Team for all Maps.

XBOX - Controller Only

This tournament is Xbox ONLY meaning Xbox players are permitted to compete. The use of a controller is the only permitted device that can be used throughout this tournament, anyone found out to be using a keyboard & mouse will be suspended and disqualified imediately.

Controller Settings

Players are responsible for ensuring that their controller configuration is correct at all times. If you start a match with incorrect controller settings this does not permit you or your team to reset the match.

Maps & Modes




The Rig

Game type

All Maps and Game types for 2v2 matches can be found in the Content Browser Bookmarks found in the gamertag of EuropaHaloCD

Join the Discord server below and make sure to read the FAQ Spring Series for more information:

EuropaHalo Discord


Server Issues

In the event of server issues arising, tournaments may be postponed or cancelled depending on the severity of the issue.

If the tournament is cancelled it will be announced on the EGL_Europe twitter page and EuropaHalo Discord channel. The tournament title will also be adjusted to reflect this outcome.

Match Delay

Matches must be played in their entirety unless both teams agree to delay the match. Maximum permitted time to delay a match is fifteen (15) minutes.

Failure to complete a match or report the scores within 1 hour of receiving the match fixtures will result in disqualification for both teams due to inactivity.

Teams may not delay the match for more than fifteen (15) minutes between each round. If a team delays the start for longer than fifteen (15) minutes, the other team should report a no show and provide proof of the delay occurring.

The team that did not delay must provide video proof showing that this fifteen (15) minute delay did occur.

Incorrect Match Settings

It is the hosting team’s responsibility to ensure that the match settings are correct. If you notice that the host has the incorrect match settings, please record video proof of what is wrong, ensuring that the scores, time, incorrect rules and the players in the lobby are clearly visible and then immediately leave the game.

In the instance that the hosting team have the correct match settings and you leave the game before it is completed, the team that did not leave will receive the win for that map.

In the instance that the hosting team have the incorrect match settings and you do not leave the game before it is completed, the result of that map will stand.

The hosting team will not forfeit the map if the non hosting team does not leave the match and the map is completed.


In order for a team to forfeit, the opposing team must leave or end the match immediately after they have captured proof of their accusation. Teams will not be forfeited if the opposing team do not leave the game and the map is completed.

Teams will forfeit a map for the following reasons:

  • Leaving or ending a match prior to it's completion and then failing to provide valid proof of the accusation against the opposing team.
  • Hosting a match with the incorrect match settings.
  • Players are not permitted to exploit areas of the maps deemed illegal for any reason.
  • Delaying a match by more than ten (10) minutes in between maps.

    Player Disconnections

    If a player disconnects during the initial launch of a map, the map will be restarted from scratch. The initial launch is defined as within the first thirty (30) seconds or before the first kill is made.

    If a player disconnects after the game has started, the following rules apply:

    The game will restart as a continuation from the point of the disconnect with the score differential in the original match taken away from the points needed. In the event that both teams drawing when the disconnect occurs, the scores taken away from the pointd needed for both teams to win.

    For example: Team A is leading 27-22 (5 points difference) against Team B to which a player disconnects. In the remade game, Team A must score 45 points and Team B must score 50 points to win.

    If both teams disagree over when the player disconnection took place, video proof must be provided that shows the scores and time at which the disconnection took place, as well as the players in the lobby.

    Match Interruptions

    If random player(s) enter the room you must tell them to leave immediately. If the player(s) leave immediately without disrupting the match, the match should continue. If the player(s) disrupt the match, the match is to be ended and resumed from the score at which the player(s) entered and played for the time remaining when the match was ended.

    If both teams disagree over when the interruption took place, video proof must be provided that shows the scores and time at which the interruption took place, as well as the players in the lobby.


    Match Result

    Both teams are responsible for reporting the result of a match. This can be done by clicking on the match fixture link found on the Match Fixture page.

    Tournament brackets will be updated automatically once both teams have reported the match.

    In the instance that only one team reports the match result, the result will automatically be confirmed after ten (10) minutes. Please do not contact support in this time as you will cancel the timer.

    The image must show clear, legible names and numbers; including score, kills, deaths, and assists, as well as the gametype played at the top of the screen.

    Disputed Result

    In the instance that both teams report conflicting results, the match will be placed into dispute and will be handled by a member of staff.


    In the event of a dispute, the team that has disputed will be asked to provide proof of their accusation. Please see the Evidence Policy section below to find out what evidence is required.

    If the disputing team is unable to provide valid evidence for the reason that they disputed, then their team will be removed from the tournament and will also receive a suspension due to disputing without valid reason/proof.

    No Shows

    No Shows

    A team has fifteen (15) minutes to show up and be ready to start the match. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit.

    To report a no-show, please click on the 'Opponent No Show' button on the Match Fixture page.

    No Show Proof

    If you have reported a no-show and the opposing team has disputed, you must provide video evidence that you have invited all members of the opposing team to play prior to the fifteen (15) minute no-show deadline. Failure to do will result in the no-show claim being voided and both teams being made to play the round.


    We have a zero tolerance policy for cheating. Players caught cheating, glitching or abusing in-game mechanics in any way will be permanently banned from the EGL site and all future competitions.

    Evidence Policy

    We strongly recommend that you obtain photo or video evidence showing the outcome of every match.

    User Conversations

    All conversations between users are not considered evidence. This includes, but is not limited to:

    Private Messages
    PSN Messages
    XBL Messages
    Skype Messages
    Direct Messages

    Evidence Requirements

    When asked to provide evidence for the outcome of a match, all video and photographic evidence must clearly show the match score, time, players in the lobby and, if necessary, evidence of the rule violation of the opposing player.

    Evidence that does not meet the above criteria will not be considered.

    Uploading Evidence

    All video evidence should be uploaded to an external website such as YouTube. Photographic evidence should be uploaded to an external website such as Imgur, Prnt.sc, Photobucket or Imageshack. The URL link to the individual evidence must be sent to an admin, along with a brief description of what the evidence shows.

    Evidence that has been faked or tampered with in any way will not be accepted as valid. Anyone found to be providing fake proof will be permanently banned from competing on the website.



    If you have a problem with your match, please click on the 'Contact Support' button found on the Match Fixture page. You can view and respond to all of your support tickets here.

    Abusive Behaviour

    Abusive behaviour towards staff members that are called into a match dispute will not be tolerated. The individual user and/or team violating this rule will be subject to a site-wide ban.