GML Ramadan: Seasons Cup

بطولات GML الرمضانية.

View Bracket

Game & Platform


PlayStation 4

Game Account Required

PlayStation Network ID

Date & Time


Single Elimination


The administration team reserve the right to overrule any pre-stated tournament rules at any given point if deemed necessary.

General Tournament

By signing up to this tournament all participants agree that they have read and accept the Terms of Service (ToS) and the Privacy Policy.

Player Eligibility

This tournament is open to players older than 13 and any user that resides within GCC Countries.

Tournament Schedule

The tournament round start times are as follows:


دور ال1024 الاربعاء KSA 20:00
دور ال512 الاربعاء KSA 22:00
دور ال256 الخميس KSA 20:00
دور ال128 الخميس KSA 22:00
دور ال64 الجمعة KSA 20:00
دور ال32 الجمعة KSA 21:00
دور ال16 الجمعة KSA 22:00
ربع النهائي السبت KSA 20:00
نصف النهائي السبت KSA 21:00
النهائي السبت KSA 22:00

All further rounds are to be started as soon as the match fixture is available.


Minimum & Maximum Players

When registering for a tournament, team captains must select the minimum number of players required to compete in that tournament, indicated on the tournament sign up module. Team captains will not be able to select more than the maximum number of players indicated on the tournament sign up module.


Teams are not permitted to use a pickup at any point in a match. A pickup is defined as someone who is not listed on the Match Fixture page.

Game IDs

All Game IDs on a team’s roster must be valid. Spelling, spaces and characters must be exact, but do not need to be case sensitive.

Roster Lock

User game ID's are stored when tournament brackets are generated, meaning that any changes made to a user's game ID after a tournament has started will not be reflected for that specific tournament.

Match Settings

All matches are to be played using the following settings:.

Game Rules

Game Mode Online Friendlies
Team Size 1v1
Half Length 6 Minutes
Controls Any
Game Speed Normal
Squad Type Online
International Teams are banned.


Players may only use FIFA preset formations.


Match Formats

Teams will play matches in the following formats, depending upon the tournament round:

All rounds Best of 1 (First team to win 1 game wins the match.)

This tournament does not feature map bans. The higher seeded team will be the hosting team (home team) and select the stadium for the match. A team's seed is indicated by the number next to their team name on the tournament bracket. The highest seed is defined as the team with the seed closest to 0. The lower seeded team will select the right side (away team) of the lobby.

After 2 draws, players are supposed to play a third game using the Golden Goal rule.

Server Issues

In the event of server issues arising, tournaments may be postponed.

If a player disconnects during the initial launch of a map, the match will be restarted from scratch. The initial launch is defined as within the first thirty (30) seconds or before the first goal is scored.

If both captains wish to, games are permitted to go ahead at the teams’ own risk and any result will stand, regardless of any issues players may or may not have.

Player Disconnections

The match is to be paused and the disconnected player should attempt to reconnect. When the pause reaches the ten (10) minute limit, the match must be continued or forfeited.

If a player disconnects after the game has started, the following rules apply:
Both player should provide video evidence of the disconnection with the current score. If possible an admin may ask players to carry on from half-time. Any red cards must be remained and player should intentionally create a sending off. All goals will continue and aggregate score be calculated.


Teams are allowed to pause for tactical, substitution or game related reasons. Pauses should only be for valid reasons and players may be punished for abusing this feature.


In order for a team to forfeit, the opposing team must leave or end the match immediately after they have captured proof of their accusation. Teams will not be forfeited if the opposing team do not leave the game and the map is completed.

Teams will forfeit a map for the following reasons:

  • Abusing the pause feature.
  • Extreme levels of abusive or toxic behaviour.
  • Leaving or ending a match prior to it's completion and then failing to provide valid proof of the accusation against the opposing team.
  • Hosting a match with the incorrect Match Settings shown above.
  • Delaying a match by more than ten (10) minutes in between maps.


Match Result

Matches that are played using the tournament code feature are automaticlly reported upon completion.

In the instance where a result may need to be disputed for one of the reasons outlined in the Match Settings, then a ticket should be submitted and an admin will promptly review the situation.


In the event of a dispute, both teams will be asked to provide evidence of their match victory. Please see the Evidence Policy section below to find out what evidence is required.

If neither team is able to provide evidence of their match victory, both teams will be removed from the tournament.

No Shows

No Shows

A team has fifteen (15) minutes to show-up and be ready to start the match. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit.

To report a no show, please click on the 'Opponent No Show' button on the Match Fixture page.

No Show Proof

If you have a no show issue, you must provide video evidence that you have invited all members of the opposing team to play prior to the fifteen (15) minute no show deadline.


We have a zero tolerance policy for cheating. Players caught cheating, glitching or abusing in-game mechanics in any way will be permanently banned from the EGL site and all future competitions.

Evidence Policy

We strongly recommend that you obtain photo evidence showing the outcome of every match.

User Conversations

All conversations between users are not considered evidence. This includes, but is not limited to:

Private Messages
PSN Messages
XBL Messages
Skype Messages
Direct Messages

Evidence Requirements

When asked to provide evidence for the outcome of a match, all video and photographic evidence must clearly show the match score, time, players in the lobby and, if necessary, evidence of the rule violation of the opposing player.

Evidence that does not meet the above criteria will not be considered.

Uploading Evidence

All video evidence should be uploaded to an external website such as YouTube. Photographic evidence should be uploaded to an external website such as Photobucket or Imageshack. The URL link to the individual evidence must be sent to an admin, along with a brief description of what the evidence shows.

Evidence that has been faked or tampered with in any way will not be accepted as valid. Anyone found to be providing fake proof will be permanently banned from competing on the website.



If you have a problem with your match, please click on the 'Contact Support' button found on the Match Fixture page. You can view and respond to all of your support tickets here.

Abusive Behaviour

Abusive behaviour towards staff members that are called into a match dispute will not be tolerated. The individual user and/or team violating this rule will be subject to a site wide ban.