AVFC Gaming Week #6

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Game & Platform


PlayStation 4

Game Account Required

PlayStation Network ID

Date & Time

Thursday, July 5th 2018

22:30 GMT


Single Elimination


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  AVFC Gaming

European Gaming League (EGL) has teamed up with Aston Villa FC Gaming to bring FIFA 18 fans a series of gaming tournaments available to both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One users. Full details on the tournament series can be found here.

  Pro Points

The Pro Point distribution for this tournament is as follows:

33 - 64 Players 65 - 128 Players 129 - 256 Players
1st Place 500 800 1200
2nd Place 300 500 800
3rd/4th Place 200 300 500
5th-8th Place 100 200 300
9th-16th Place 50 100 200
17th-32nd Place 25 50 100
33rd-64th Place 0 25 50
65th-128th Place - 0 25
129th-256th Place - - 0

  Player Eligibility

This tournament is open to European players only.

This tournament is for non-professional players only.

Entrants must be 16 years or older and all entrants under the age of 18 must have the consent of a parent or guardian.

By signing up to this tournament players agree to adhere to the competition rules. EGL and Aston Villa FC reserve the right to remove players from the tournament if it is discovered that a player is below the age of 16 or has played FIFA 18 in any professional capacity.

  Setting Up an Online Friendly

You must first add the opposing player to your Xbox Live/ PSN friends list using their player ID shown on the match fixture page. Once the opposing player has accepted the friend request, you should go to Online > Online Friendlies > New Friendly Season > Invite your opponent.


If you have a problem with your match, please click on the 'Contact Support' button found on the Match Fixture page. You can also reach us on the EGL Discord for general questions and discussion.