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Summoners Bronze to Gold Cup

View Bracket

Game & Platform

League of Legends


Game Account Required

League of Legends Summoner Name

Date & Time

Saturday, June 13th 2015

17:30 GMT


Single Elimination



First Place 1600 RP, Ryze, Triumphant Ryze, 4-Win IP Boost per player
Second Place 1200 RP, 4-Win IP Boost per player
Third Place 800 RP, 4-Win IP Boost per player
Fourth Place 400 RP, 4-Win IP Boost per player
Fifth - Eigth Place 4-Win IP Boost per player

Each team can only receive prizing for five (5) summoners. The results from the Final and Third place games are used to establish the prize eligible summoners, if a roster contains six (6) summoners.

Riot advise that summoners should not change their player name until after they have received any outstanding prizes. In doing so, summoners risk losing their prize.

Player Eligibility

Summoners between Bronze 5 and Gold 1 are eligible to play in this tournament. Smurfs and all other ranks are not permitted entry.


If you have a problem with your match, please click on the 'Submit Ticket' button found on the Match Fixture page.

You can view and respond to all of your support tickets here.