The MEGA clan are 4 brothers that love playing video games competitively and for fun. It started when we played on the Xbox 360, playing Call of Duty and Halo; split screen online. We then converted to the PS3, playing Battlefield while continuing to play Call of Duty. We now play on multiple platforms in our own free time. But rarely together. By streaming I hope to find and recruit people to be part of the MEGA clan, and make the clan grow, from family to you. The 4Jz: MEGA_4Jonz MEGA_4Jemz MEGA_4Jaiz MEGA_4Jrdnz

MEGA Clan joined the Fortnite: Kill Frenzy Cup tournament on Fortnite. 6 years ago

MEGA Clan joined the Fortnite: Kill Frenzy Cup tournament on Fortnite. 6 years ago