For The Win Esports Club A
Portugal A For The Win eSports Club é um clube de desportos eletrónicos registado como associação. No mercado dos videojogos e plataformas eletrónicas a FTW eSports encontra-se no ativo desde 2011, denominada como clan, e como clube de desportos electrónicos desde 2012. Faz-se representar a nível nacional e internacional, tendo já uma longa história em awards obtidos, em ambas as vertentes. Além de ter dos melhores atletas a nível competitivo, tem como sua característica o acompanhamento dos mais novos, fazendo a integração destes nas várias modalidades de jogo, bem como, o respectivo acompanhamento educacional dando linhas de orientação e organização pessoal e profissional. Desta forma o nosso clube apoia da melhor forma - e com um tremendo esforço - o desenvolvimento do gaming nacional de uma forma progressiva e saudável. United Kingdom For The Win eSports Club is an electronic sports club registered as an association. On the videogame and electronic platforms market, FTW eSports is active since 2011, as a clan, and as an electronic sports club since 2012. We play at a national and international level, having a long award history in both. While having some of the best competitive athletes, we are known for supporting the younger ones, integrating them in the several game genres. We also provide educational guidelines in terms of personal and professional organization for our athletes. This way, our club supports in the best way - and with a tremendous effort - the development of national gaming in a progressive and healthy way.

For The Win Esports Club A joined the Fortnite: PC Kill Frenzy Cup tournament on Fortnite. 6 years ago

For The Win Esports Club A joined the Fortnite: PC Kill Frenzy Cup tournament on Fortnite. 6 years ago

For The Win Esports Club A joined the Fortnite: PC Kill Frenzy Cup tournament on Fortnite. 6 years ago

For The Win Esports Club A joined the Fortnite: PC Kill Frenzy Cup tournament on Fortnite. 6 years ago

For The Win Esports Club A joined the Fortnite: PC Kill Frenzy Cup tournament on Fortnite. 6 years ago

For The Win Esports Club A joined the Fortnite: PC Kill Frenzy Cup tournament on Fortnite. 6 years ago

For The Win Esports Club A joined the Kill Frenzy Cup tournament on Fortnite. 6 years ago