Audun Kongsrud
Hide every Skavhaug person you know. nobody is safe from his wrath. His powers know no limits. No prison can hold him back. No parent can keep their children safe. Drekking and puling is his hobbies. "Gleder meg til å drekke meg deg as ;) Da blir det pulings ;) haha"
Audun Kongsrud joined the Summoners Bronze to Gold Cup tournament on League of Legends. 8 years ago
Audun Kongsrud joined the Summoners Bronze to Gold Cup tournament on League of Legends. 8 years ago
Audun Kongsrud joined the Summoners Bronze to Gold Cup tournament on League of Legends. 8 years ago
Audun Kongsrud joined the Summoners Bronze to Gold Cup tournament on League of Legends. 8 years ago
Audun Kongsrud joined the Summoners Bronze to Gold Cup tournament on League of Legends. 8 years ago
Audun Kongsrud joined the Summoners Bronze to Gold Cup tournament on League of Legends. 8 years ago
Audun Kongsrud joined the Summoners Bronze to Gold Cup tournament on League of Legends. 8 years ago
Audun Kongsrud joined the Summoners Bronze to Gold Cup tournament on League of Legends. 9 years ago