

It's more than that. I am a strong, independent ADC. You think in S5 when all the supports were roaming, I sat there in bot lane by myself and begged for them to come back for help? Well I did at first, but it made me bigger, stronger, faster, donger. It made me mature and realize I don't need no support there to babysit me. If I want to 1v2 tower dive their duo then nobody is going to tell me otherwise. If I want to solo contest dragon against 2 globals then nobody is going to tell me otherwise. If I want to overcommit for that juicy cannon creep then nobody is going to tell me otherwise. I've got a sense of pride now. I've got my heritage and culture to defend. And you're going to tell me that I should rely on my support to take heal now? That spell belong to our people for 2 Seasons. We discovered it. It belongs to us. Stop oppressing me and my people. You are the problem with this country. #FasterStrongerDonger

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